URL to a Full-Length Article on The Ten Key Insights for Smart CEOs, University Presidents, and School Superintendents Re Better Managing Reopenings

Below, you will find the URLs for a full-length article describing in great detail the Ten Key Insights and Related Messages on the Need for a "COVID-19 Spread Mitigation Program" for Smart CEOs, University Presidents, and School Superintendents (and Government Agency Heads) to Use So They, as They Must Do, Return to Work or Classes, Soon, But Only When
Doing It Safely
As you well know, healthcare insights are the engine that drives the creation of innovative strategies, ideas, and products in the healthcare field. America and the world need exactly such innovations now to dig themselves safely out of the lockdown hole they have dug for themselves. Here is the first set of ten key insights (possibly more to follow) that I have used to inform my own and others’ very difficult, exceedingly intellectually challenging, and extremely stressful and scary, decision-making, here.
As a CEO, University President, or School Superintendent (or Government Agency Head), your primary duty is to serve mankind and at the same time create good-paying and otherwise rewarding jobs for your employees and for the communities in which they work—all the while generating sufficient benefits (revenue and profits/well-prepared students for leading and working to preserve a safe, prosperous, and just community and country) to stay in business/open, reward investors/taxpayers, and give bonuses and raises to workers/teachers, managers/principals, and executives/including you.
The corollary duty, the minimum duty of care imposed on you by law (the legal standard of care) and by the additional standards of your industry (the business standard of care), to that primary duty is for CEOs to protect from harm: their employees, their company/school and their brand, as well as their employees’ family members, suppliers (and their family members), customers/parents/students, and investors/taxpayers.
You needn’t spend a dollar for a month. Plus, the good news is: As the full-length article covers in great detail, there might be under S2P's Strategic-Action-Plan for your "Infectious Disease Spread Mitigation Program:" (a) some insurance coverage for setting up and operating your Mitigation Program, sooner or later, depending on who your health, liability, and D&O insurance carriers are, and even depending on what S2P is able to negotiate with them, if now they cover little to none; and (b) some leasing options for lessening monthly payments, and even deferring monthly payments, perhaps available to you by using one or more of S2P's leasing affiliates.
But if you believe the possible validity of the insights I enumerate and describe in great detail in the full-length article, and you feel that the next, and more devastating, peak of COVID-19 spread MIGHT, again, be in 10 weeks, or even as early as 8 weeks (56 days), as I hypothesize, rather than six weeks later, as other experts hypothesize, then it is time for you to immerse yourself in discovering what you might do soon, given all of the confusing and conflicting "alleged facts," "guestimates," "unknowns," and "unable-to be-knowns," at this time. (As far as I know, no reputable expert projects that the COVID-19 Crisis will completely end in 8 weeks, or even 10, or even 14.)
My projections for the next peak are shorter than other experts' projections because I expect the concurrent arrival of three key events at a single juncture. The next peak will come sooner, I believe, because:
(1) When COVID-19 attacks are coupled with flu attacks, which is my prediction if the flu sprouts, soon, employee immune systems might be overwhelmed or weakened, and therefore, might be more challenged by COVID-19, and more susceptible to catching a serious COVID-19 infection. If so, whether the infection is symptomatic or pre-or-post-asymptomatic, it likely will add significantly to the rate of spread;
(2) When the number of companies, universities, and schools (and government agencies) opening without adequate protection sprout, soon, too, which I also predict, the peak might come in 10 or even 8 weeks, rather than 6 weeks later than the first of those dates, as other experts hypothesize. Accordingly, poorly structured or managed openings or reopenings might vastly increase the rate of spread of all variants--at-work/at-school, at-home, and at-community facilities--complicating, and making riskier, things further; and
(3) When the spread of an already existing 50% more contagious variant, and possibly a worse new variant (viruses mutate at random, but all the time; some variants help; some are neutral; some add harm; and very, very few are devastating), will be more immediate--and will propagate faster and greater--than other experts surmise.
Accordingly, I believe there is little time to lose. Hindsight might prove me wrong, but I have been close in projecting earlier peaks. Regardless, what might be the harm of hedging your bets by being perhaps six weeks early rather than possibly six weeks late? Catching up, near the peak, will not be easy. Most experts will already be over-booked. Many of the CEOs, University Presidents, and School Superintendents (and Government Agency Heads) that have not already acted or are not yet already formally in-line, will have to really scamper as the direction of the wind shifts from lesser to greater to far greater cases of COVID-19 reported in their geographic-area or in their industry. Just like the way, in periods of great distress, that milk and bread disappear from the grocery store shelves overnight, mitigation program experts and managers (and the mitigation products they recommend) will suddenly disappear when other CEOs, University Presidents, and School Superintendents suddenly notice the way that the wind is blowing has suddenly changed.
This is what your family, your friends, your executive teammates, your employees and prospective employees, your board, your suppliers and prospective suppliers, your investors/taxpayers and prospective investors/taxpayers (from stockholders, large and small, to banks, to others, or new or additional taxpayers), your customers/parents/students and prospective customers/parents/students, judges, juries, regulators, "Sixty-Minutes" commentators, and most Americans, would likely call: “Doing the right thing.”
PS: If you do nothing else, at least immediately be Inward-Looking. In other words, you might want now to begin to very seriously think about, and strategize on, how to:
(1) At Least Protect Your Career and Your Sense of Self-Worth. Again, likely no CEO, University President, or School Superintendent (or Government Agency Head) has ever been fired, or their careers destroyed or ended, for spending too much, for doing too much, and/or for doing it too soon—in a precarious situation, in which aggressive action is reasonably likely to be needed to save lives and prevent other harm to the key constituents of a business, a university, or of a school system.
On the other hand, a CEO, a University President, or School Superintendent need only look at the destruction of most of the meatpacking industry, through its “CEOs sitting-on-their-hands fiasco,“ where many of them certainly were at serious fault.
In hindsight, the ones at fault either did nothing, waited too long and/or were not bold, and lacked true leadership skills, or did too little, or did enough, but did it too late to prevent deaths and other serious harm to many—especially, those within their primary constituents-group (employees, particularly workers/teachers, and the members of their families; customers/parents/students; and suppliers of all kinds, as well as their investors/taxpayers.
CEOs, University Presidents, or School Superintendents (and Government Agency Heads) that miss the boat must either be really dumb, lack true leadership skills and guts, and/or be reckless, to fail to act reasonably (in terms of the three key parameters listed above)—just as soon as any “reasonable-average-executive” would have known to smartly act, and then smartly and timely acted.
It will be worse, still, if they also fail to act in accordance with both Legal and Business Standards of Care. AND, for their own sense of self-worth—as well as the respect of their family members, teammates, and neighbors—and in accordance with their own ethical, moral, and social standards, and those of their teammates.
S2P can help here, too, even if, for now, your funding cupboard is bare. Please keep in mind that, if nothing else, S2P inexpensively delivers a better peace-of-mind to CEOs/University Presidents/School Superintendents, Managers/Administrators, Workers/Faculty, and Customers/Parents/Students, as well as family members and other loved ones. If that is all you can muster the funding and political (small "p") support to do just yet, then do it. At least, the ball will be rolling--and in the right direction--and you won't just be a sitting duck, as was Amazon, when "Sixty Minutes" rolls around.
Smart CEOs, University Presidents, and School Superintendents (and Government Agency Heads) will get moving, soon. And, then adjust, as more funds from one or more sources, as described in the full-length article, become available, which they might, over time.
John.Norris@Safely2Prosperity.com; Cell: 617-680-3127; Web: Safely2Prosperity.com
The LinkedIn URL to the full-length article is: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ten-key-covid-insights-related-messages-smart-ceos-norris-jd-mba. And, the URL to S2P's website reprint is: https://safely2prosperity.com/blog/covid-insights-ceos-school-superintendents.
*To be clear, neither the FDA, the CDC, nor NIH have either reviewed this Article or in any way commented on it. I am sure there are "alleged facts," "guesstimates," and "insights" here that all or some of them might disagree with, in whole or in part. Plus, my tone is far more forthright, aggressive, and predictive than the FDA, the CDC, and NIH like to be, or in reality, both politically and legally, may be.
© 2021, All rights reserved. This document is forward-thinking and contains only limited, summary information. It is intended to be used for informational and educational purposes, only. It is not a comprehensive description of facts, strategies, ideas, plans, laws, rules, or other important considerations. It does not constitute management, advisory, financial, legal, accounting, or consulting advice. Consult the FDA, the CDC, NIH, and COVID-19 Spread Mitigation Program experts, advisors, managers, lawyers, accountants, and consultants for advice on particular aspects, strategies, matters or cases.