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Open Letter to All World Leaders at All Levels, Including Business, Union, and Foundation Leaders, Who Care that COVID-19 Killed 7 Million

S2P Communications

Open Letter to All World Leaders at All Levels, Including Business, Union, and Foundation Leaders, Who Care that COVID-19 Killed 7 Million People, and the Next Pandemic Will Likely Kill 35 Million.

This is an open letter to world leaders at all levels, asking them for their humanitarian support in assisting us in helping others prepare for the next pandemic or endemic, whether natural or human-made. The threat of a next bio attack is more dangerous, in terms of likelihood and scale, than we like to admit. 

I am Dr. John Norris, Executive Chairman of Safely2Prosperity (S2P), former second-in-command and COO at the US FDA, and Harvard faculty member. I care greatly about the unacknowledged millions (there is no tall monument in Washington, London, or Paris) who were killed in the war against COVID-19, nor prayers for the many times more who the next pandemic will kill.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused devastating global impacts, with 7 million lives lost and significant economic, health, and societal disruptions. These included workers’ lives and families destroyed, trillions of dollars in diminished economies in the US and worldwide, extensive consumer and company upset, and countless formal claims for health, liability, and business interruption insurance payments, coupled with litigation and settlements—all of which have destructively and threateningly reverberated among workers and families and across industries in the US and globally, and have not ceased to this very day. 

We are at a lull now, but nothing prevents us from suffering a similar devastating attack, whether nature-made or human-manufactured, in the months and years to come. We project (not predict) another nature-made pandemic will occur within the next 4 to 6 years and a human-manufactured one (by an advanced terrorist group or a hostile nation’s proxy, such as a desperate Hamas) within the next 3 years.

At S2P, we’ve developed and launched “VirusVigilant,” a very advanced infectious disease spread risk management SaaS software platform. This cutting-edge product is a cornerstone of a “bio-attack emergency preparedness” biosafety program. It is uniquely designed to play a pivotal role in such an advanced program, thereby minimizing deaths and severe harm to people and businesses and reducing much of the otherwise loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the US and globally.

In other words, by leveraging a VirusVigilant-run biosafety program, organizations can protect their workers and families and significantly reduce their enterprises’ exposure to other significant risks. This will lower their loss of worker life, minimize family disruption, reduce productivity, and reduce adverse claims, lawsuits, and settlements associated with deadly infectious diseases.

There is an immediate and extraordinary opportunity for world leaders at all levels, including business, union, and foundation leaders, to collaborate globally on a pioneering effort to reduce all these “avoidable damages” by offering a comprehensive fire-safety-like or cyber-safety-like bio-related safety program—one which includes VirusVigilant, a very low cost (as low as 50 cents per month per employee; 1/1,000th the cost of family health insurance) yet highly effective software platform, as a driver. The press and other leaders tell us our efforts have been almost heroic.

We alone have stood with our “finger in the dike.” Our market research, surveying over 60 C-level executives across diverse industries, identifies a deep need for such protection—but no other world leaders have “picked up the ball and run with it.” To help us break through barriers and speed up the critical growth of “worldwide awareness and preparedness,” we seek strong global support from innovative, influential, and persuasive people like you.

Much like the evolution of fire and cyber safety programs, our biosafety program can potentially be a “transformative program” capable of saving millions of lives and thousands of companies globally. We, governments, CEOs, and reporters, will acknowledge you publicly if you help us make the world “a safer place” by helping us make the leaders of governments, government agencies, companies, and the like aware of the enormous current bio-risks and thereby help us prepare and assist them in preventing, mitigating, and controlling the damages when the next bio-attack strikes. If you are among the first to help us achieve this noble goal, others will soon follow your lead because of your high power and prestige.

We cannot overstate the urgency of bio-attack preparedness. Possibly 40% of the 7 million people killed by COVID-19 would not have been if the world had been adequately prepared. That’s some 2.8 million deaths. That’s roughly twice the number of people on both sides killed during the Vietnam War. We have publicly called for well-funded academic studies to give us a precise percentage. But we know it must be significant. Significant leader blunders appeared regularly.

Emerging infectious threats, such as the endemics of Mpox and bird flu in Africa and killers of children, risk becoming pandemics within the next few years. With our joint help, they might not. We are launching a significant campaign in Africa to lower the risk that they do. Additionally, the geopolitical climate suggests an elevated risk of bioterrorism. Bioterrorism could occur sooner and be more damaging than a nature-made attack.

Our strategy is called the “double sanctuary approach.” Rather than firing workers and closing enterprises, which can wastefully cost economies trillions of dollars and harm, especially children, we help create enterprise-based “bio-safe sanctuaries” at work and home.

By leading the global effort to professionally distribute, install, and make fully operational combined advanced awareness, preparedness, and responsive biosafety programs at many enterprises, we can offer a high-value, scalable solution while generating a fair return for all stakeholders. We have learned from all our successful innovation efforts that fair returns to “drivers” are required if programs are to be set up extensively, quickly, and adequately.

Our strategy for the biosafety program’s widescale distribution targets nations, agencies, and enterprises with over 10,000 employees. (Someday, it will become financially feasible to provide solutions to smaller enterprises.) A social or business partnership with an influential and forward-thinking leader like you could enable the creation of an innovative biosafety program tailored for each qualifying and interested organization worldwide.

In sum, VirusVigilant, in coordination with its biosafety program partners, provides an enterprise-level bio-health worker, family, and enterprise protection platform. This platform uses an advanced design to help leaders manage pandemic and other scale attack readiness. It encompasses exposure insight, risk planning, and advanced management tools that help enterprise leaders avoid or mitigate bio-attacks' impacts. It offers countless proactive, highly focused, real-time alarms, alerts, reports, and recommendations for deploying insightful precautions and creating and applying highly effective crisis responses.

With VirusVigilant risk-reduction capabilities, this program could dramatically shift the landscape of deaths, human and business harms, claims, and settlements. This would enable humanitarian approaches to solve or significantly reduce one of the world’s most deadly and destructive ever-increasing-risk problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) says it’s only a matter of time before the next pandemic, which they say is expected to be five times more destructive.

S2P is the world’s leading innovator in infectious disease spread risk management solutions. Our team comprises pioneers in health, healthcare, life sciences, regulation, and risk management, supported by cutting-edge IT/ML technology experts. VirusVigilant-driven biosafety programs empower organizations to maintain safety and productivity during infectious disease outbreaks by seamlessly integrating and precisely managing dozens of advanced safety strategies such as vaccination, testing, isolation, tracking, and therapeutic interventions—and many more for up to two million workers and 20,000 locations worldwide.

Where employees are reluctant to be vaccinated, VirusVigilant offers a refined solution—so they will not need to be fired. We are a material part of organizing and effectively operating advanced biosafety programs.

Our mission is clear: Save up to a million lives within the next 6 years to safeguard lives, livelihoods, families, and economies from viral threats. The lessons of COVID-19 underline the necessity of proactive preparedness systems that leaders can activate preemptively and operate seamlessly during crises. S2P’s approach is transformational and practical, combining decades of specialized expertise with a user-friendly, highly effective platform constituting the most critical unit within an advanced and highly effective biosafety program.

We envision a future where comprehensive bio-attack preparedness is as ubiquitous as fire safety protocols or cyber-attack defenses. You can play a pivotal role in shaping this future by “partnering in any way and at any level you like” with S2P and lending us your ideas, insights, and strategies—and the power of your prestige and influence. Together, we can provide the US and the world with unparalleled protection, reduce deaths, human and business harms, and liabilities, enhance resilience, and capture and fulfill significant humanitarian and business opportunities to make a difference.

I invite you to collaborate on how best to co-create this innovative humanitarian biosafety program offering. Let’s schedule a 15-minute Zoom meeting to discuss your insights and explore how we can work together to help save these lives, businesses, and economies. We know your thoughtfulness and insights can be integrated into a mutually beneficial global partnership for the benefit of humankind. Using your unique wisdom, knowledge, insights, reputation, and skills, you can help us achieve our and your noble goal. 

If you are willing to help, which I very much hope you are, please text me at 617-680-3127 with your availability next week, and I will confirm a meeting time that works for you.

Let’s work together to “ensure AND insure” the safety and prosperity of our country and the globe by driving the creation—and wide-scale and widespread acceptance–of our innovative idea for an advanced biosafety program for every country, government agency, and company, for-profit and not-for-profit. 

Thank you in advance for helping us to realize our dream of this transformative opportunity to save lives, businesses, and economies. I have been acknowledged in cover stories in multiple global magazines as one of the world’s most innovative professionals. Two of those innovations are credited with saving millions of lives and thousands of companies worldwide. 

But I cannot innovate essential new ideas and thereby save millions of lives and thousands of companies without the help of brilliant, caring, and prestigious people like you. It takes a team of caring and passionate people to truly innovate.

I look forward to your enthusiastic response.

Dr. John Norris, Executive Chairman 

Safely2Prosperity LLC 531 West Washington Street

Hanson, MA 02341

Text: 617-680-3127 (Preferred)

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